Do you know the feeling when you go out and realize you left your phone at home? Yeah, you know that feeling I´m talking about. Today, the internet has become unavoidable in our daily life. Appropriate use of the internet makes our life easy, fast and simple.
If you have a phone from your home country, it’s often possible to use it in Sweden with a Swedish SIM card. These are either pay as you go (kontantkort) or on a plan (abonnemang). It is highly recommended to buy a Swedish SIM card.
<aside> 💡 You might be asked a personal identity number in order to sign up for a plan (abonnemang).
Here are links to some of the major providers:
<aside> 💡 Lycamobile, can be found at Pressbyrån or 7eleven is quite handy to make calls all over the world.
The city has a lot of free WIFI hotspots. Some public transport buses, trams and trains have WIFI. You can use internet at the public libraries in various parts of the city.
You have WIFI all over the Chalmers campus. Once you get to your CID , you can connect to Eduroam. For information about Eduroam:
For detailed information on setting up, check Chalmers IT portal.